by Brad Dolinski, CEO
Good day from snowy St. Paul!
I am down at the Capitol this week to do my best with 44 MN electrical cooperatives to explain our concerns to our elected legislators. I’m going to be honest and share my opinions with you. I’m concerned. I’m concerned with the way decisions are being made at St. Paul. Our democratic republic is operating in Minnesota much different than I remember being taught in civics class from Mr. Mark Nohner. I remember when the two parties would work across party lines to do what is best for the citizens of Minnesota. Folks, that is not what is happening today. With one party in charge there are a number of bills that are being pushed through both the House and Senate without input from the other side.
My concern is this isn’t about parties, this is about what is best for Minnesota. When one party rule forces their agenda the other constituents or citizens of Minnesota are not being heard. Many rural Minnesota districts voted for Republican legislators to represent us at the Capitol. The games being played at the Capitol are silencing the voices of these citizens. I need you to stand up and contact your legislators. Tell them how you feel. Know the bills being proposed at the Capitol, your legislators need to hear from you! Close to 4,000 bills have already been introduced this legislative session; it’s still February!
I have heard many times; our electric cooperative was born in politics and can die in politics. The issues near and dear to us right now are the following:
HF1171/SF1242 Property Tax on Co-op Distribution Infrastructure
We introduced this legislation last year. Since the late 30’s cooperatives paid a flat tax per member rather than being issued property tax based on total plant. Lately the Department of Revenue has reinterpreted the 80-year-old statute and assessed taxes on meters and street lights. These items have always been considered part of our system and not individually taxed. We are attempting to clear the language to prevent change in the existing statute.
SF1622/SF1656 IIJA State Matching Funds and Technical Assistance to Unlock Federal Infrastructure Funding.
This bill is necessary to give Minnesota access to the Federal funding available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The bill will include grant writing assistance funds and infrastructure grants that will be made available to small utilities, cities and tribal governments to allow these entities to arrange for technical guidance in developing potential projects for IIJA funding.
SF116/HF1151 Load Control Receivers
This bill concerns the equipment necessary to run our Off-Peak program. Many electric cooperatives use this program to reduce costs to Member-Owners and to ensure reliability to the grid. When we need to work on this equipment owned by the Co-op we send qualified employees to your homes and businesses. Many times, a simple door swap is necessary to correct a failed receiver. The Department of Labor was requiring we pull a full inspection permit to accommodate this work. This bill agrees to an understanding to prevent this unnecessary additional cost and inspection.
There are many more bills I have concerns with, but these are the ones I’ll be focusing on while your Directors and I are at the Capitol. I will do my best to represent you while visiting with the legislators we elected to serve us, not the parties they belong to.
I had a chance to vent to my buddy when I was on a rescue mission to the beautiful community of Orr. We had a nice lunch at the Junction in Togo once the snowmobiles were secured on the trailer. I enjoyed the beautiful drive, good company, and was reminded why I do what I do. I truly enjoy the relationships this journey provides. I get to serve the great people in Northern Minnesota in what I believe is the one of the most beautiful places to live.
By your side! Miigwech