Fall Round Up grant application deadline Sept. 30

Thanks to the generosity of the Members of North Itasca Electric Co-op., the Board of Trustees for Operation Round-Up will be able to distribute grants to various communities and organizations in the area.  The deadline for grant applications is Friday, Sept. 30, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

Each month, participating members round up their electric bills to the next highest dollar amount. The extra cents are put in the North Itasca Electric Cooperative Community Trust which is headed by a volunteer community board separate from the cooperative. Twice a year this board meets and reviews applications for grants.

Any organization in the North Itasca Electric service area is eligible to apply for a grant from the trust. Examples of grants would be funding for fire department equipment, youth and school programs, arts and education, senior citizen groups and other community programs and projects.  Grants will generally be made to nonprofit, civic or community-based organizations that demonstrate a commitment to enhance the quality of life in the region.

 Application forms along with instructions can be obtained by calling the office at 218-743-3131 or 1-800-762-4048, by e-mail to andrewf@nieci.com, online at www.northitascaelectric.com, by contacting your North Itasca Electric Co-op. Inc., Director or by contacting one of the Trust Board Members listed below.

              North Itasca Electric Community Trust Board


1     Linda Dreher, Mizpah                        (218) 897-5086

2     Meredie Rounds, Bigfork                   (218) 743-3312

3     Bruce Steege, Effie                             (218) 743-2649

4     Greg Anselmo, Bigfork                      (218) 244-4648

5     Gary Chapman, Marcell                     (217) 402-3745

6     Stacy Swedberg, Northome                (218) 239-0220

7     Lisa Peterson, Squaw Lake                 (218) 659-4266

8     Keven Grenson, Marcell                     (952) 292-7414

9      Lisa Polchow, Deer River                   (218) 246-9680