Roxanne’s Repair Tips

The dangers in ‘assuming’!

Ever notice your vacuum doesn’t seem to be picking up like it used too? When this happens you automatically think it’s plugged up or needs to be emptied, right?

Well, that’s what I used to think until recently. You see I bought a new vacuum, and it worked great for a week and then I started noticing the suction was getting less and less. I checked where the hose attached to make sure there wasn’t something stuck there – that was clear, and the hose was clear also, so I flipped the vacuum over and made sure the roller was clear.  There was some hair on it, so I cleaned that off. I knew that wouldn’t have been enough to make it not work right, so I checked to make sure the belt wasn’t broken, and it wasn’t.  I had cleaned and washed the filter, so I thought I had checked everything.

Little did I know there was a second filter that I didn’t know about. I guess that is why a person is supposed to read the manual all the way through. I had read some of it but not all the way through. That one filter makes a huge difference in the performance and plugs up rather quickly. So now I  check both filters weekly and love my new vacuum.

Sometimes we just assume that because we use something all the time, like a vacuum or an appliance, that they are alike, and we get tripped up because they are not alike. This was a good reminder for me to not “assume”!