Roxanne’s Repair Tips:

by Roxanne Prather

Drum on dryer stopped turning

There are a few reasons that your dryer drum will stop turning, let’s go through them one at a time, starting with the most

Malfunctioning drive motor – If none of the above will fix your problem, then it is the drive motor. This is normally
located at the bottom of the machine towards the back and can be replaced by taking a few bolts out.
If you’re not sure how to access the parts on your dryer visit and put your model number under repair
help. You can watch a how-to video and order parts.

The dryer belt – The belt goes around the drum to turn the drum. Over time the belt gets worn out and breaks. If this
happens, you will most likely have to take the top and front off the dryer to replace the belt.

The drum rollers – There are 2 rollers at the bottom of the front of the drum and 2 on the back that the drum rolls on.
If the roller is worn out, it will need to be replaced. If you are going to be fixing one you might as well do all of them at the
same time.

Felt liner – There is a felt liner that goes around the front of the drum that your drum slides against. Sometimes this
felt liner gets torn or comes lose and can cause the drum to bind. If you notice this, replace the felt liner.

Rear drum bearing – Most dryers have a rear drum bearing in the back of the dryer. If this bearing goes, you will have
to replace it, but most of the time you will realize that it is going because it will make a squealing or grinding noise before
it goes out.