Operation Round-Up Trustees to hold spring grant meeting

Thanks to the generosity of the Members of North Itasca Electric Co-op., the Board of Trustees for Operation Round Up
is able to distribute grants to various communities and organizations in the area. In the Round Up program, Members “round
up” their billings to the next dollar, with the difference going to programs benefitting our area.
The deadline for grant applications is Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 3:30 p.m. Any postmarks after this date will be
disqualified. The Trust Board will meet on April 10 to make the awards.
There is an application form on the NorthItascaElectric.com website under the Members tab, or you can send an email
request to support@nieci.com. If you do not have email access, give us a call at (218) 743-3131, and we will mail you an
application form.
When completing the grant application, please read and follow the directions closely. Make sure the application is
complete, including an accurate mailing address. Make sure your IRS tax-exempt letter (if appropriate) is attached. Not
following directions or leaving parts of the application blank or incomplete could cause the application to be disallowed.
If you have any questions on completing the application, please contact Drew Francisco at North Itasca Electric
Cooperative by calling (218) 743-1313, or one of the Trust Board members listed below.
North Itasca Electric Community Trust Board
District Trust board Area Phone #
member represented
1 Linda Dreher Mizpah 218-897-5086
2 Meredie Rounds Bigfork 218-743-3312
3 Bruce Steege Effie 218-743-2649
4 Greg Anselmo Bigfork 218-244-4648
5 Gary Chapman Marcell 217-402-3745
6 Stacy Swedberg Northome 218-239-0220
7 Lisa Peterson Squaw Lake/Inger 218-659-4266
8 Kevin Grenson Marcell 952-292-7414
9 Lisa Polchow Deer River 218-246-9680