Roxanne’s Sales Talk

by Roxanne Prather, Member Services Representative

“Wow!” is all I can say, as I’m writing this I keep wishing for spring. The last several mornings were very cold -20, -31 and this morning, it was -34 on my car on the way to work at 5:30 a.m.
It looks like this cold is going to stick around for a while. You know it’s cold when you take off in the morning and it
feels like you have square tires! I feel sorry for all the animals out there in this cold. Especially my dog. I feel bad when I
let her out. It doesn’t take long for her feet to freeze.
I want to remind you that we offer bundling deals. For all you people moving into the area or people who are just
looking to change their appliances. If you purchase three appliances you would get 8% off all of them. Four appliances are10% and if you need five or more appliances you get 15% off. This adds up to big savings. The more you spend, the more you save!
We also offer financing. If you have been current on your bill with us for at least three consecutive months, you qualify
for either 90 days of no interest, or a contract for up to three years with 4% interest. We ask for a minimum of 20% down. If you’re interested in a contract or are wondering what the amounts would be, let me know. I would be happy to figure it out for you. With the price of everything going up this is very helpful. Whether you’re on a fixed income or not, it is nice to have the option to spread the payments out!
Call or stop in and see me if you have questions (218)743-3132 or email