Boy, where has the summer gone? It seems to have just flown by! I really hope Fall stays around for a while. It is my favorite time of year, especially after the bugs leave. I love the cool evenings when you can be outside till dark and not get eaten alive without taking a bath […]
Category: Roxanne’s Wisdoms
Roxanne’s Wisdoms
If your dryer doesn’t heat… Is your dryer taking longer to heat than it used to take? This is a common problem and can be an easy fix. The first thing to check is make sure your setting is on a heat setting, then feel the clothes to see if they are warm when the […]
Repair Tips // Roxanne’s Wisdoms
Nothing is more frustrating then when you go to use your water dispenser on your refrigerator and no water comes out. This problem is usually caused by one of two things. The first thing to check is to make sure the water tube in the door isn’t frozen? This tube is located where you put […]