New Services


To provide electric service to all applicants within the Cooperative’s service area in accordance with the rules stated herein and based on sound engineering principles and business practices. The Cooperative shall be reasonably assured that the costs of such services are recovered without undue burden to other members.


The Applicant for a new service shall:

  1. Abide by all rules and regulations of the Cooperative.
  2. Provide utility easements to the Cooperative free of charge.
  3. Complete and have on file with the Cooperative a Minnesota State Wiring Affidavit.
  4. Complete and submit all forms, pay all fees, deposits and contribution in aid to construction, before the service will be placed on the Cooperative’s construction schedule.
  5. Clear the right of way as follows: Overhead primary line requires a forty (40) foot corridor. Secondary lines (120/240v)  require a twenty (20) foot corridor. Underground primary lines require a twenty (20) foot corridor. Right of way must be clean cut sky to ground, stumps cut to ground level and clear of obstructions.
  6. Mark the spot on the property where member would like the meter pole located. A forty (40) to fifty (50) foot clearance from the nearest building is required. Applicant shall  place  a stake with the words “meter”, “electric”, or applicants name at the desired location, or schedule an on­ site meeting with Cooperative personnel to determine the location of the meter pole. The Cooperative reserves the right to change the location in the interest of sound engineering practices, safety, economy, etc.
  7. Cooperative owned meter loops shall be installed on service poles. The Cooperative reserves the right to upgrade or change location with notice to property owners.
  8. The Cooperative reserves the right to provide electrical service within the Cooperative service territory. No member may supply electrical service to property not owned by that member.
  9. Pay in advance a contribution in aid to construction based on the following fee schedule:
    • Application Fee (non-refundable) $100.00 +tax. Application fee shall be valid for 12 months. If service is not constructed within 12 months, a new application fee shall apply.
    • If there is an existing yard pole, existing transformer pole or existing underground stub pole the cost to install up to 200A meter loop shall be $750.00. If there is an existing yard pole, existing transformer pole or existing underground stub pole the cost to install a 320A meter loop shall be $1000.00. 600A and larger services shall be quoted individually.
    • New construction 0 to 300 feet: $2,700.00. Distances over 300 feet shall be an additional $6.00 per foot for single-phase services and $12.00 per foot for three-phase services.
    • Pay recording fees, cost for special permits, or lease agreements in addition to specialized equipment required for construction not routinely used by the Cooperative.
  10. Satisfy the deposit requirement as outlined in Administrative Procedure 300.50

The Cooperative shall:

  1. Provide all material up to  the line side  of the  meter  including  the  meter  loop  and socket  for a pole-mounted meter. The Cooperative will not install or connect any metered wires.
  2. Attempt to obtain all other easements and special permits if required. The cost of such easements and or permits shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
  3. A new service will be placed on the construction schedule when:
    • All paperwork is complete and on file.
    • All fees, deposits, and contributions in aid to construction have been paid.
    • The right of way is cleared to the satisfaction of the Cooperative.
    • Construction season shall run from June 1 through November 1. Quotes not paid in full prior to the end of construction season shall incur a frost charge of an additional $10.00 per foot. If no frost is incurred during construction, the frost charges shall be refunded.
  4. Remove trees endangering its wires. Maintain the facilities on the line side of the meter and clear and widen Right of Way after initial clearing by the applicant.
  5. Reserve the right to terminate the membership and discontinue service to any member who knowingly, intentionally; or repeatedly causes damage to its equipment and/or facilities and violates any other rules or regulations of the Cooperative.

The Cooperative shall determine whether new construction will be overhead or underground.