Roxanne’s Sales Talk

by Roxanne Prather, Member Services Representative

It has been quite a month with all the excitement of the road construction going on right in front of my desk. It is almost scary with all our big windows in the showroom. Our windows are old and not sealed very well anymore, so when big trucks go by, the windows rattle and the whole building shakes. It will be so nice when this is all finished.

In the meantime, I apologize for your inconvenience to get in to the Cooperative. As I am writing this you can still park in front of our building, or you can pull in behind the Co-op. and park behind one of the cars in our parking lot. But while our sidewalks are being worked on, you might have to come in through our garage door. For those of you who do not want to deal with the construction call me, I can help you over the phone.

I want to remind you we have a good selection of appliances in stock. If you are looking for something special or need to order multiple appliances and I do not have them on the floor, I’d be happy to order what you’re looking for. We offer bundling deals, the more you buy the more you save. Purchase three appliances to take 8 percent off, four appliances for 10 percent off and with five or more you can take 15 percent off. Come check out our electric bikes that are priced to sell! I have a couple of different models for you to look at. These bikes are a wonderful way to get more exercise. Peddle when you want and use the electric when you want a break. The fat tires on the Go Express make it easy to ride off road. They also fold up so you can throw them in the car to take them on trips. The Go Eagle has smaller tires, which makes it a quieter bike when riding on the highway.